Kathy Holler

Hi! I'm glad you are interested in the FBC staff! I am Kathy Holler. I am a native of Jonesboro, having lived here all but six years of my life! I am currently attending Arkansas State University and will graduate in May, 2000, with a degree in Social Work. My daughter, Ryan will also graduate in May, 2000, from Hendrix College in Conway, Arkansas, with a degree in Spanish. My son, Jeremy and his family (including my two beautiful grandchildren, Travis (3) and Ambria (2 months), also live in Jonesboro.

I have served on staff at First Baptist since January, 1984. As Minister of Special Ministries, I am involved in three different areas of ministry. In our ministry with Senior Adults we strive to keep a balance in what we do. We travel some, we have programs and luncheons at church and we have a conference call Sunday School class for our Homebound adults to keep them "connected" to their church through weekly Bible study. Senior Adult Ministry is a joyful and challenging ministry!

I am also responsible for our international ministry. At the present time we have a Sunday School class for international students and another for internationals who are married. Also, once a month we offer a Mandarin Chinese Bible Study (taught in Chinese) for our Chinese students. That Bible study meets in the home of a church member. A new ministry begun only two months ago is our Hispanic Bible Study. Attendance has grown steadily in this ministry which meets weekly - and is taught in Spanish. Our international ministry shares in fellowship and travels with other internationals from other churches in our community.

The CARE CENTER ministry is also under my area of ministry. The CARE CENTER seeks to reach out to "the least of these" in our community who may need help with food or clothing or who may need help finding resources to help themselves. Our CARE CENTER is staffed by 40-50 volunteers, mostly retired folks! In addition to those who serve regularly we teach ministry to the children in our church by encouraging their leaders to bring them to the CARE CENTER and let them "do ministry" on Wednesday and Sunday. We have begun a weekly Bible study in a neighborhood where many of our clients live so that we can share in a personal way why we do what we do at the CARE CENTER.

Ministry at First Baptist Church is exciting! I believe God is at work here in a mighty way - and that He is inviting us to join Him! Come and be a part of the journey with us.

Jeremiah 29:11