on date listed.

THESE ARE ALL THE SERMONS OF 2003: Delivered at First Baptist Church, Jonesboro, AR

December 21, 2003 "PROMISES FOR CHRISTMAS: A PROMISE OF PEACE" Micah 5:2-5a
December 14, 2003 "PROMISES FOR CHRISTMAS: A PROMISE OF JOY" Zephaniah 3:14-20
December 7, 2003 "PROMISES FOR CHRISTMAS: A PROMISE OF HOPE" Malachi 3:1-4
November 30, 2003 "Promises for Christmas: A Promise of Justice" Jeremiah 33:14-16
November 23, 2003 "The Courage to Be Content: The Courage to Say, “Yes" Ecclesiastes 5:18-20
November 16, 2003 "The Courage to Be Content: The Courage to Say, “Enough" Ecclesiastes 5:13-17
November 9,2003 The Courage to be Content: The Courage to say, “No" Ecclesiastes 5:8-12
November 2, 2003 "How to Impact Your World: Be Committed" Acts 16:22-34
October 19, 2003 "HOW TO IMPACT YOUR WORLD—BE CLEAR" Matthew 5 13-16, Acts 26:4-29
October 12, 2003 "HOW TO IMPACT YOUR WORLD—BE CLOSE Matthew 5:13, Matthew 9:9-17
October 5, 2003 “How to Impact Your World: Be Caring” Matthew 5:13-16; Luke 10:30-37
September 28, 2003 SHAPED FOR SERVICE SERIES: "Your Life's Devotion--Becoming a Servant" Mark 10:41-45
September 21, 2003 "HOW GOD HAS MADE YOU UNIQUE--Your Life's Design-Shaped by God" I Peter 4:10
September 14, 2003 "Shaped for Service Series--Your Life's Purpose--Serving God" Ephesions 2:10
August 31, 2003 "LYDIA: LEAVING A LASTING LEGACY" Acts 16:11-15; 40
August 24, 2003 “Lighting the Journey Together” John 14:6
August 17, 2003 “Leadership that Changes Lives” Acts 20:17-39
August 10, 2003 "THE POWER OF A RELAXED ATTITUDE" Proverbs 14:30
August 3, 2003 "REAL MEN SAY ‘NO'" I Peter 2:11-12
July 20, 2003 Lord’s Supper Devotional: “Strength for the Struggle” Mark 14:22-26
July 13, 2003 “We Know”: Assurances for Every Believer"I John 5:13-21
July 6, 2003 "FAITH ON TRIAL" I John 5:1-12
June 29, 2003 "The Goal of God’s Love" I John 4 17-21
June 15, 2003 “The Father’s Love, A Parent’s Love” I John 4:7-12
June 1, 2003 “Making Sure Heaven’s Gate Is Not a Dead End" I John 4:1-6
May 18, 2003 "HOW TO FINISH WELL" Hebrews 12:1-2; II Cor. 4-7, 17-18
May 11, 2003 "BRINGING OUT THE BEST IN YOUR KIDS" Proverbs 24:3
May 4, 2003 "A View from the Finish Line" II Timothy 4:6-8
April 27, 2003 "A View from the Finish Line" II Timothy 4:4-8
April 20, 2003 "Celebrate Jesus Christ"
April 13, 2003 “Tears of the Son” Luke 19:28-44
April 6, 2003 "The Confident Assurance of God" I John 3:19-24
March 30, 2003 "Loving Others: Making the Unseen—Seen" I John 3:10-18
March 23, 2003 "Faith in Uncertain Days" Psalm 121:1-8
March 16, 2003 "WHAT YOU DO TELLS WHOSE YOU ARE" I John 3:4-10
March 9, 2003 "STAYING READY BY STAYING CLOSE" I John 2:28-3:3
March 2, 2003 "CHRISTIANS STAY CHRISTIANS" I John 2:18-25
February 16, 2003 “Do Not Love the World” I John 2:15-18
February 9, 2003 “Life in the Perfect Tense” I John 2:12-14
February 2, 2003 "Becoming Real" I John 2:3-11
January 26, 2003 “Are You Serious< I John 1:5-2:2
January 19, 2003 “Authentic Christianity” I John 1:1-4
January 12, 2003 "The Beauty of Imperfection" Matthew 16:13-20
January 5, 2003 “What’s On Your Mind" Matthew 22:37-38; Romans 12:2

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